19 January 2012

7 things from this week ⋆

Some events and highlights from the past few days...
1. Paper-whites.  My father planted a bulb of the little white blossoms in a tea-cup on my night stand.  They brighten my morning, afternoon and late night book reading.

{little peak at my  night stand here. teehee}

2. Icy blue (or Caribbean blue?) nail varnish. Its one of those shades that could would not me amiss up on the ski slopes or down in the Caribbean tropics. For the past week I have been wearing Havana Dreams from Sephora for OPI.

3. Collected Memories Mirror from Anthropologie.  Hodge-podge, functional, nostalgic, eye-catching, an art piece all in itself...  
This is my inspiration for my current project:
It is still very much a work in progress  Earlier this week I scoured a few thrift shops for old picture frames.  A few already had mirrors in them, while other frames housed everything from cross stitch work to someone's graduation photos.  Above is the (mostly stripped) frames tentatively arranged.  Next step: cutting my old bathroom mirror into proportional squares and then antiquing the glass with muriatic acid.

4. Window draperies, a desk chair and a bed pillow for my brother.  On Tuesday, my mum and I finished our last creative project(s).  My brother's room was in dire need of window coverings--if not for aesthetic purposes, then just to keep his ice-box-man-cave warm. He also inherited our family's old office chair and a pumpkin orange imperial sized pillow.  Over the weekend we refinished and reupholstered the chair, made a massive pillow-case complete with cording and then put together some beautiful mustard-brown curtains.  Ta-dah!  (Not the most flattering picture of my brother's room, but you can see bits of the end results peeking out around his furniture.  Usually, my brother is painfully neat.  But, I snuck in to take a picture right after he got up for breakfast. Sorry, Eric!!!)

5. Snow.  The weather may be icy and terrifying to drive in, but there is something magical about snow.  It is eerily quiet outside.  The only sounds are birds and the subtle crunch of resettling branches.  

6. Waking up with my kitty. I am going to miss her back in Missoula :) 

7. Lemon-blueberry tea cakes. Mmmmmm.  Tea cake just sounded really good (and we have a bazillion containers of frozen blueberries I picked over the summer at my Granma's house).  So, while snowed in, I made lemon tea cakes filled with blueberry coulis.
 {part way through filling the tea cakes}
 {topped off with sugar crystals and sprinkles}
{fresh out of the oven ^_^ time for tea}
Let me know if you would like me to create a separate post for the recipe.

What has everyone else enjoyed over the past few days?

Cheers, kaite ;]


  1. Good to read your blog again. I hope you had a great at home.

    1. I did have a nice time at home. You don't realize how much you miss a place (even its less than glorious weather) until you live somewhere else for awhile.
