31 October 2011

Wickedly Perfect Poridge

As my Halloween treat to you, I present "wickedly perfect porridge" doctored up 2 ways: 
 1) The healthy stick-to-your-ribs version, and
 2) The healthy for your emotions version.

After all, we need a little bit of both in life.

Version 1 reminds me of Frankenstein.  I used black rice instead of oatmeal, which makes the porridge more spooky and devilishly high in antioxidants. Right after you cook the rice it appears vibrant purple and cools down to a deep purpley-black.  This purple pigment is called anthorcyanin--which is a protein similar to melanin in human skin.  In a sense, black fruits/veggies/grains just have a serious tan.  Anthorcyanin may not cure cancer, but this porridge might help with your sugar hang-over from Halloween festivities :)

1/4 cup dry black rice, cooked
1 tsp dark miso, diluted into 2 tbsp water
3 dried plums, chopped
1 green scallion, chopped
2 tbsp cilantro, chopped
1 tbsp green pumpkin seeds
1-2 tbsp dark chocolate bits (I used Theo Dark Sipping Chocolate)

Place the first 3 ingredients into the crock-pot; stir well to incorporate.  Turn crock-pot on HIGH and allow the porridge to sit for about 15-20 minutes.  The rice will absorb the extra moisture from the miso as it warms up.  After rice is thoroughly heated though, add the last 4 ingredients to the rice mixture.  Transfer to a porridge bowl and dig into a Frankenstein breakfast.

Version 2 is the ultimate "smores-gasbord."   Marshmallows may have no nutritional value, buts that is perfectly okay here.  Graham cracker oatmeal, chocolate, and fluffy marshmallow all piled together make the ultimate breakfast 
1/4 cup of rolled or steal-cut oatmeal, uncooked
1 HUGE homemade marshmallow, cut into chunks (or about 5-6 Dandies)
1 tsp barley malt syrup (or honey)
1-2 tbsp dark chocolate bits (I used Theo Dark Sipping Chocolate)

Cook your oatmeal in whichever way works best for you.  I made mine fresh out of the crock-pot, but if you are a microwave person or have the luxury of a stove top, be my guest. Once oatmeal is cooked,  gently stir in the last three ingredients.  It's ready to devour.

I made a slight variation of this porridge a few nights ago where I substituted the malt syrup with raspberry jam. Equally as yummy.

I hope everyone has a happy Halloween and still does't think they are too old to go trick-or-treating.  Yesterday I went "trick-or-eating" with a group of students from the university.  Instead of collecting candy, we knocked on doors in our consumes and asked for non-perishable food items to donate to the Missoula Food Bank.  It was a rather fun way to get our trick-or-treating fix and help a good cause.

What's everyone going to dress-up as for Halloween?  I am Linus from the Peanuts.  The blue blankie and "WELCOME GREAT PUMPKIN" sign are great excuse to bow out the festivities early.  Linus has exams to study for... and needs to go welcome the Great Pumpkin upon its arrival.  

Cheers, kaite ;]


  1. I see the weather is cooling down. Stay warm!

  2. I see it is getting colder. Stay warm!

  3. O, it's chilly! I end up wearing 2 pairs of socks most days to keep my toes from turning into ice-pops :)
